Explore the price list for:PILZ

Products available on request. All prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed, except for orders already accepted. Packaging and shipping costs are invoiced separately.

Brand Product code Description Selling Price
PILZ 890020 S1WP/9A 24DC 415AC
PILZ 890030 S1WP/9A 24DC 550AC
PILZ 890050 S1WP/9A 230AC 240AC
PILZ 890060 S1WP/9A 230AC 415AC
PILZ 890065 S1WP/9A 0%
PILZ 890070 S1WP/9A 230AC 550AC
PILZ 890100 S1WP/18A 24DC 120AC
PILZ 890110 S1WP/18A 24DC 240AC
PILZ 890120 S1WP/18A 24DC 415AC
PILZ 890130 S1WP/18A 24DC 550AC
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