Explore the price list for:PILZ

Products available on request. All prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed, except for orders already accepted. Packaging and shipping costs are invoiced separately.

Brand Product code Description Selling Price
PILZ 305160 USB-Adapter Adattatore porta USB
PILZ 310300 Cavo comunicazione x seriale RS232
PILZ 311074 Cavo da ml2p a PDP e tra PDP (min. 50m)
PILZ 312992 Cavo comunicazione x mini USB 3m
PILZ 312993 Cavo comunicazione x mini USB 5m
PILZ 328062 PSS u2 P0 F/S PN2
PILZ 328072 PSS u2 P0 F/S EIP2
PILZ 328080 PSS u2 ES PSP
PILZ 328085 PSS u2 ES 16PTD 24V
PILZ 328090 PSS u2 ES 16PT 0V
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